General Grants

General Grant Scheme 2022-23

General grants are now available  for community groups and other not-for-profit organisations.  Please see the rules below to find out if your group is eligible and to download a form. 

The grants can cover a wide range of purposes to support projects but can also be used to help with the current cost of living crisis, details below:

Help with increases in the price of Energy

Groups can apply for funding if their venue costs increase as a result of higher energy bills.  To make an application complete a form, send in a copy of that letter notifying the increase and reasons, along with the other supporting documents needed - full details can be found in the Rules. 

Support for Groups providing a Warm Hub

Grants will be considered to help with the costs of opening venues for longer as Warm Hubs. To apply please send in details of how much it will cost the Group to provide the space.  To find out the cost you will need to know how many extra hours the venue will be open, and calculate the cost.  This can be done by taking the current costs, calculate roughly how much it costs an hour to keep the venue open and multiply that by the number of extra hours the venue will open.  Don't forget to add in any costs for extra supplies which will be needed, eg tea, coffee, biscuits, cleaning materials etc.

Some practical advice on running a Warm Hub can be found in Setting up a Warm Space in your Community

Help with installing Energy Efficiency Schemes

If your group is looking to install some energy efficient schemes such as solar panels, LED lights, etc to save on utility bills going forward, it is also possible to apply for a grant towards the installation costs  You will need to send in quote/s for the work (the number of quotes needed is detailed in the rules) along with the application form and all other required supporting documents.

More help to residents and groups is available from the following organisations:


A number of groups are responsible for maintaining defibrillators - general grants can be awarded retrospectively (for this one purpose only) to cover the cost of replacement pads and batteries.  Please send in a copy of the invoice with your application.

Please note that the rule requiring groups to hold an Annual General Meeting and elect their officers at least every 15 months has now been reinstated.

General Grant Appl Form 2022-23 - PDF

General Grant Scheme Rules

Deadlines for receipt of applications with supporting information:

8 July 2022, 28 October 2022 and 3 February 2023

How will my application be dealt with and what are the timescales?

Applications received by the deadline dates above, will be considered in the first instance by the Grants and Community Projects Committee, which will make recommendations to the Council.  The Council will consider the recommendations and take the final decisions, at the meetings on 4 August, 1 December and 2 March respectively.  If the application is successful, the payment will be made shortly after the Council meeting.

Any incomplete or late applications will be deferred to the next meeting, if there is one.

Updates on the recommendations and decisions on grant applications will be included on the News Page of the website: