Committee Membership 2023-24
Grants & Community Projects Committee
The Committee considers applications for grants and village improvement funding. It also manages the Council's dog fouling project.
Membership: Cllrs John Cowan (Chairman), Bill Armer, Robert Barraclough, Ray Bray, Pamela Brook, Maria Carthy, Derek Hardcastle, David Knight, Bob Smith and Clare Walters.
Land and Property Committee
The Committee oversees the risks associated with all responsibilities and activities of the Parish Council. It reviews the schedule of risks and all inspection reports submitted by the contractor covering areas where the Parish Council has responsibility, and makes risk assessment inspections when required. It also deals with all issues relating to the allotment gardens, Kirkheaton Churchyard and public seats.
Membership: Cllrs Bill Armer (Chairman), Ray Bray, Richard Burton, Maria Carthy, John Cowan, Derek Hardcastle, David Knight, Bob Smith, Clare Walters and Marjorie Wheelhouse.
Management & Finance Committee
The Committee deals with all issues connected with the running of the Council and matters with financial implications. It manages & prioritises the various projects with which the Council is involved and has delegated authority to take decisions on staffing hours in excess of core hours needed to enable projects to be completed or to deal with exceptional issues.
Membership: Cllrs John Taylor (Chairman), Bill Armer, Ray Bray, Pamela Brook, Maria Carthy, John Cowan, Derek Hardcastle, David Knight, Bob Smith and Peter Taylor.
Neighbourhood Plans Committee
The Committee's remit is to assist Kirkheaton Future in completing neighbourhood plans, and to undertake all the tasks required in the Parish Council's role as the Qualifying Body.
Membership: Cllrs Pamela Brook (Chairman), Dominic Black, Derek Hardcastle, Pauline McGleenan, Bob Smith and Clare Walters.
Staffing Committee
The Committee deals with HR issues and acts as a two-way forum to encourage communication between the staff and the Council on matters of administration. The Committee has delegated authority to make all decisions relating to staff and their employment, excepting recruitment, termination, resignation and decisions in excess of core hours.
Membership: Cllrs Bob Smith (Chairman), Bill Armer, Robert Barraclough, Pamela Brook, John Cowan, Derek Hardcastle, John Taylor and Marjorie Wheelhouse.
Staffing Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee has been given delegated authority to fill the vacancy for a Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer.
Membership: Cllrs Bill Armer, Pamela Brook, John Cowan, Derek Hardcastle and Bob Smith. The Chairman will be elected at the first meeting.
Meetings are arranged as and when they are required - please see the Meetings Page for the latest schedule.