Welcome to Kirkburton Parish Council
Burton Village Hall
Northfield Lane
Huddersfield HD8 0QT
Email: clerk@kbpc.co.uk (John)
admin@kbpc.co.uk (Emma)
Temporary Clerk to the Council : Cllr John Cowan
Administrative Assistant : Emma Booth
Forthcoming Meetings
Thursday 9 January 7.30 pm - Parish Council Meeting. The meeting is later than normal due to the various holidays prior to the standard first Thursday in the month.
Thursday 30 January 7:30 pm- Management & Finance Committee Meeting.
All meetings will be held at Burton Village Hall, except where indicated otherwise. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
There will be a public participation session at the beginning of all Council and Committee meetings, when people can speak for up to 3 minutes on any issue which falls within the Council's / Committee's remit, with the total session lasting a maximum of 15 minutes All meetings are open to the public, although contributions from the public are restricted to the Public Participation session.
However, sometimes items need to be taken in private if the discussion involves disclosure of personal information or details of a future contract. The decisions taken in private sessions are public knowledge and will be included in the minutes.
The agenda will be available from the Meetings Page about a week beforehand.